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  5. About the Trustifi archive

About the Trustifi archive

Trustifi’s archive service is the perfect addition to users of the Trustifi inbound and/or outbound shield modules, but can also be used as a stand-alone module for archiving.

The Trustifi archive automatically saves and indexes all of your outbound and inbound traffic, and provides quick and direct access to these emails including not only the email content and headers, but other Trustifi-related metrics like outbound tracking and inbound threat analysis.

Trustifi’s intuitive case (query) builder and ultra-fast response times allow you to easily find and access the archived emails you need. To learn more about building and running cases, see our article here:

This service also includes an e-discovery feature (case sharing) that allows sharing archived emails with 3rd parties with ease and security. To learn more about case sharing, see our article here:

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