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New Release: Email Security Awareness Training- Empower your team to proactively combat email threats with easy-to-launch phishing simulations and assessments

URL Defanger Tool

URL Defanger: Safeguarding Links for Security Analysis

Our URL Defanger tool serves as a vital resource for securely sharing potentially malicious links with email security appliances or support/security teams. By defanging the URLs, you can effectively deliver these links without triggering spam filters, reputation-based filters, or being quarantined. This tool ensures that your intended recipients receive the link and allows them to investigate and address any potential security concerns.

URL Defanger image

What is URL Defanging?

URL defanging is a process that modifies potentially harmful links, making them non-functional and safe to share. It involves altering specific elements of the URL, such as replacing "http" with "hxxp" or "https" with "hxxps," adding square brackets to domain names, or employing other modifications. The defanged URLs remain readable for human comprehension while rendering them non-clickable and harmless to web applications.

Use Case: Secure Sharing for Investigation

The URL Defanger tool enables you to securely share suspicious or potentially malicious links with your email security appliance or support/security teams. By defanging the URLs, you bypass spam filters and reputation-based filters that could otherwise block or quarantine these links. This allows the support or security teams to receive the link and conduct investigations, ensuring the identification and resolution of any security threats.
When using the defanged URLs, the link appears harmless to email security systems, facilitating successful delivery and investigation. The recipient can then analyze the link's content and take appropriate actions to safeguard your company's security or investigate potential risks. This process enhances collaboration and empowers your organization to respond effectively to security incidents.


Original URL

Defanged URL


the "://" protocol separator is replaced with "[:]//", and the dot character in the domain is replaced with "[.]", effectively defanging the URL.