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New Release: Email Security Awareness Training- Empower your team to proactively combat email threats with easy-to-launch phishing simulations and assessments
How to Recover from an Email Phishing Attack

How to Recover from an Email Phishing Attack

Recovering from any attack, cyber or otherwise, is a journey, always challenging to accomplish in a few steps. Organizations affected by email phishing attacks become concerned in several areas within their enterprise, including

  • Data Exfiltration
  • Identity Theft
  • Disruption of Business Operations

An organization should develop a step recovery plan for email phishing attacks with a fluid mindset, not a static. Attack vectors leveraging the email channel filled with phishing schemes and suspicious emails change daily.

This blog discusses the steps organizations can take before, during, and after an email phishing attack.

Phishing Attack Velocity Increasing in 2023

A phishing attack involves a straightforward masquerade method. The aim is to lure victims into giving up their details by pretending to be someone else. The cybercriminal will pose as a manager or supervisor from many legitimate companies offering gift cards, tax refund help, and other special deals.

Phishing attempts will be around for a while. And even though some security experts predict phishing attackers will decrease their efforts, they’re likely to ramp up again in 2023 and 2024 to include CHATGPT-3 AI-powered attacks.

Unintentional Clicking: The Fallout of a Phishing Attack

2022 is a challenging year for most companies – particularly SMBs – as many need more resources to address cyber attacks. It is just another problem for businesses at risk of causing severe data loss; the result is significant downtime if the data breach still needs to be resolved within a few days if the phishing becomes discovered. An improper URL can lead to significant reputation damage and slander on clients, and they can compromise their confidence. SMBs often lack the internal resources to combat identity theft, ransomware payload attacks, and attempts to stop fraudulent emails from affecting their users.

Did I Fall for the Lure?

A phishing campaign is used to steal data from compromised accounts. Have people been sent emails telling me about suspicious emails? Have employees received messages in their email accounts that needed to be more accurate? These suspicious messages use stolen company email addresses, a sign of identity theft and business email compromise.

These advanced email attacks have become all too common in the enterprise. Leveraging artificial intelligence like CHAPGPT-3, Phishers continue to send near-perfect emails to unsuspecting victims protected by legacy built-in email defenses. Organizations must deploy automated email security protection capabilities to stop these email attacks.

Understand a Phishing Email Attack When It Hits

Phishing is a malicious attack sent via email, which tricks victims into downloading malicious documents or clicking links. If you’ve been the victim of a phishing attack, here are quick steps you can take:

  • Log In: Log in to the site and change your username. Users must also change passwords for every user using the same credentials. You can change your password for security. Please be careful when you make an encrypted password reset.
  • Report the phishing Incident: Phish attacks can target multiple users simultaneously. Typically, phishing attacks target workers within the same organization. Detecting and reporting incidents can assist others in identifying employees who may have already been targeted with the phished email. Those who commit phishing must report their attacks through their services desk. Reports will start an investigation into the attack. Organizations should notify law enforcement, including the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, if an email phishing attack has attacked them.
  • Critically Important – Learn from the Incident: Always take the time to think before interaction or email. Keep yourself current on the newest phishing techniques, update your browser, protect accounts using multi-factor authentication, and never give personal and financial data to anyone online. The only practical approach to identifying an unauthorized person is a fully integrated email security plan with the right features.

Could you Implement Remediation Strategies and Protect against Future Attacks?

To protect employees against phishing scams, organizations must adopt advanced automated security controls and rely less on human interaction.

Security awareness training alone will not stop a future phishing email attack. Organizations adopting advanced AI-powered email security solutions have discovered the value of this decision. Email security platforms like Trustifi incorporate several adaptive security controls with proven inbound anti-spam, anti-phishing, and anti-malware protection combined with several outbound protection capabilities, including data loss prevention and data tokenization.

By extending these platform services with an ease-of-use console, Trustifi empowers its clients to enable the features that serve their compliance and security requirements. Trustifi’s solution platform is not a one-size fits strategy. SMBs to the large global corporates all have similar security needs. These organizations also have different requirements too. Trustifi’s simplified pricing model puts the power of protection in their clients’ hands. The company also offered a managed email detection and response (MXDR) service for clients that need 24×7 coverage to help augment their internal SecOps teams.

Why Trustifi?

Trustifi is a cyber security firm featuring solutions delivered on software as a service platform. Trustifi leads the market with the easiest-to-use and deploys email security products, providing both inbound and outbound email security from a single vendor.

As a global cybersecurity provider of both inbound and outbound email protection, Trustifi currently supports customers from countries including the USA, Canada, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, the UK, the Netherlands, India, the UAE, China, and Japan, Cyprus, the Philippines, and more. The company has also developed “One-Click Compliance” capabilities that cater to world security regulations, including PDPO for Hong Kong, POPI for South Africa, GDPR for Europe, and LGPD for Brazil.

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