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New Release: Email Security Awareness Training- Empower your team to proactively combat email threats with easy-to-launch phishing simulations and assessments
Detecting & Avoiding Configuration Mishaps Within Email Security Solutions

Detecting & Avoiding Configuration Mishaps Within Email Security Solutions

Misconfiguration continues to be one of the leading causes of cybersecurity breaches. According to a study by Vulmetric Cybersecurity, “84% of web vulnerabilities resulted from misconfiguration.”

Web applications are not alone in misconfiguration issues. Email security solutions and zero-trust architectures face a misconfiguration crisis, leading to data loss.

The Human Factor

Human error will continue to be a factor for organizations as cybersecurity protection layers become more complex. Malicious actors probe organizations’ network infrastructure, legacy secure email gateways, and firewalls, looking for exposed vulnerabilities, often created by misconfiguration.

Business email compromise (BEC), accidental data loss, and successful email phishing attacks result from email security solutions not being appropriately managed.

Initially, Organizations choose to enable only inbound shield protection and hold off on data loss prevention(DLP) and email encryption solutions. When the client wants to help with additional features, is this process complex and leads to additional misconfiguration?

Have cybersecurity protection layers become too complex to maintain? Yes, if you are still running on legacy security email gateway(SEG) devices and standalone appliances.

Cloud-based email security provider Trustifi understands the need make the setting up, operational maintenance, and scaling up email security easier for clients.

For clients that need additional resources, Trustifi’s email-managed detection and response(EMDR) service bridges the gap between maintaining its email security platform in partnership with their clients to help augment configuration changes and incident response workloads.

Understanding the Configuration Process.

Configuring mishaps happens on most cybersecurity protection devices within three phases:

  • Initial setup of advanced email security capabilities.
  • Configuration changes to existing settings to email security protocols.
  • Enabling additional security layers to the existing production configuration, including DLP, email archiving, and an extra layer of security supporting DLP and email encryption.

Configuration mishaps can and will happen with each of these phases. Faulty configurations often lead to a specific cyber attack, including spear phishing and other email security threats. Email-based attacks, especially zero-day attacks, bypass spam filters if not appropriately configured.

Configuration changes require security operations(SecOps) and IT operations personnel to collaborate. Some changes could be as simple as adding a new policy allowing users to download specific email attachments. Other changes could be more complex, including outbound-shield DLP protecting credit cards from being transmitted through email. Adequate email security starts with using a solution that is easy to use and requires little operational overhead to stay ahead of the constant changes in the email threat landscape.

Larger organizations have more resources and formal change control processes to manage email content and digital communications. Small-to-medium businesses leverage a hybrid model for change control to push out recent changes. These mixed-approved changes to their email security solution often result in a security breach.

Ensuring Accuracy in the Configuration Process.

SMBs, compared to larger organizations, rarely deploy a digital twin mirroring their email security because of the cost and complexity of maintaining a 2nd virtual instance. Larger organizations will leverage a digital twin to help test proposed configurations for accuracy before migrating these changes into production systems.

How would an SMB organization validate proposed changes to their email security platform?

Email security providers like Trustifi offer managed email detection and response(EMDR) services to help SMB clients maintain their email security instances. The service provides clients access to a 24 x 7 email security engineer to assist with configuration changes for incoming emails and outgoing emails, reporting, and enablement of new features. This configuration review process helps organizations reduce corporate email vulnerabilities by changing their cloud-based instance.

EMDR services also help clients deal with the velocity increase in phishing emails, security risks from email attachments, and potential threats against the organization’s domain names and password manager systems.

Benefits of Managed Configuring Email Security Solutions.

We tailor the Trustifi EMDR service for organizations that need augmentation capabilities to align with their in-house SecOps and IT ops teams. Many SMB organizations have a minimal staff to handle cyber attacks. Trustifi’s cost-effective EMDR service comes priced to align with SMB budget limits.

Many SMB organizations prefer their internal resources to focus on more strategic initiatives, including designing next-generation customer-facing architectures, securing digital transformation projects, and replacing existing legacy security devices.

EMDR aligns with the SMB organization culture by delivering services that meet their needs. Many EMDR service providers try to sell their offering as a one-size-fits-all-all. Trustifi’s EMDR service helps clients make configuration changes with a single click based on their needs.

SMBs love the simplicity of Trustifi to help reduce the risk of human error affecting their users.

Customer Testimonial – Baha Mar Casino

“Since deploying the Trustifi system we have been able to streamline email security here at Baha Mar. Utilizing Trustifi’s inbound email filtering capabilities we have greatly reduced false positives and ensured our users stay protected from advanced email based attacks. With Trustifi’s data loss prevention engine we can make sure confidential data is encrypted and we stay compliant with regulations such as PCI. It was really easy and quick to deploy to our entire organization, plus working with their team was a pleasure.“

Robert Stamm- Director of Information Security- Bahxa Mar Casino

Another true benefit of Trustifi is its “one-click to comply” capabilities. SMBs must maintain compliance with HIPAA, CCPA, and others leverage Trustifi’s EMDR services to help quickly enable compliance policies to meet protection regulations. This comprehensive protection capability helps SMBs comply with the latest privacy regulations.

Trustifi EMDR Solution for SMB and Mid-Enterprise Customers.

Every EMDR deployment starts with assessing the client’s email security requirements. SMB clients working with Trustifi appreciate the ease-of-user email security solution and consolidating a wide range of protection capabilities under the management console. Even with their ease-of-use platform, Trustifi continues to offer the EMDR to clients either on 24×7 or in ad hoc offering.

Many clients may prefer to maintain their Trustifi cloud-based email security instance with their resources and leverage EMDR for additional help with incident response. Other clients may leverage EMDR services, including:

  • Full setup and configuration of the email security environment.
  • Daily review of quarantined emails and release of legitimate emails.
  • Adaptation of security to comply with companies’ regulations/compliances.
  • Custom DLP/encryption rules and policy creation.
  • Incidence response service to minimize damage.
  • Monthly reporting of all incidents, findings, actions taken, and recommendations.
  • Reduce common mistakes made during the initial setup and operations.

The benefits of using EMDR to help reduce security breaches from misconfiguration include:

  • >Quick support for all email security-related issues SLA > 2 hours.
  • Ongoing recommendations to improve your safety and efficiency.
  • Decreased response time to incidences through incident management.

Why Trustifi?

With Trustifi’s EMDR offering, SMBs can have the peace of mind their email security solution will protect their end users while reducing incident response times and misconfiguration mishaps. EMDR services also help organizations improve employee productivity with fewer email-borne attacks sending malicious files and advanced threats to every inbox.

Trustifi offers these services reasonably priced to align with SMB budget challenges.


As a global cybersecurity provider of both inbound and outbound email protection and managed detection and response service provider. Trustifi currently supports customers from countries including the USA, Canada, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, the UK, the Netherlands, India, the UAE, China, Japan, Cyprus, the Philippines, and more. The company has also developed “One-Click Compliance” capabilities that cater to world security regulations, including PDPO for Hong Kong, POPI for South Africa, GDPR for Europe, and LGPD for Brazil.

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