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New Release: Email Security Awareness Training- Empower your team to proactively combat email threats with easy-to-launch phishing simulations and assessments
Benefits of Cloud Security Controls

Benefits of Cloud Security Controls


Cloud technology has grabbed the attention of many businesses worldwide. A growing number of companies are switching to cloud deployment of systems and services rather than on-premises deployment. The benefits of cloud computing are undeniable, but at the same time, the cloud servers must be properly secured. Due to the rapid surge in the adoption of cloud computing, the momentum of cyber threats has also shifted towards enterprises that incorporate cloud computing into their infrastructure. While deploying infrastructure on the cloud, a company should lay out a proper plan to identify, contain, and respond to any security breach and data theft that may occur in the cloud infrastructure.

Cloud Security Controls

Cloud Security Controls are the tools, guidelines, and measures that an organization should use to protect its cloud environments and infrastructure from digital threats. Cloud security works on a shared responsibility model where both service vendors and customers partner in the responsibility of managing and securing the cloud infrastructure. Deploying cloud security controls help your company to implement effective security measures to complement services offered by your cloud service provider. Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) is an organization that promotes the best practices for security cloud infrastructures. CSA divides cloud security controls into three types:
  • Preventative: to safeguard cloud infrastructure from possible cyber attacks.
  • Detective: to identify a cyber attack in the cloud infrastructure and contain it to stop its progression. Examples include intrusion detection software and network security monitoring tools.
  • Corrective: to patch vulnerabilities that allowed the cyber attack so as to avoid the same vulnerabilities from being exploited in the future.

Cloud Controls Matrix

CSA has developed the Cloud Control Matrix (CCM) in collaboration with leading industry players, governments, enterprises, and service providers. The CCM outlines best practices for deploying a secure cloud infrastructure. Since its introduction in 2009, CCM guidelines are frequently updated by CSA to reflect advancements in the field of cloud computing security. With its broad scope and easy-to-follow implementation, the CCM framework has become the de facto standard for securing cloud computing systems. The framework comprises over 100 guidelines and controls. The controls are divided into 16 categories depending on the requirements and specifications. These steps are easy to implement even without prior knowledge of cloud security tools. The CCM Framework is available for free from CSA.

According to Deployment Models

In cloud infrastructure deployment models, the cloud providers and customers share the responsibility of protecting the cloud environment. The deployment models are categorized as follows:
  • Public Cloud Deployment: Your company runs your cloud applications on vendors’ infrastructure and physical IT networks. Here you own the applications, data, and operating systems, and your company must take the responsibility of your cloud data security, as public cloud services rarely offer this.
  • Private Cloud Deployment: You have full control over both software and hardware of the cloud infrastructure, and you can use this opportunity to implement security controls on both software and hardware.
  • Hybrid Cloud Deployment: Growing in popularity, this model enables the flexible transition of on-premise infrastructure to cloud-based infrastructure. While providing you with more options for a smooth transition from on-premise to cloud, you must be extra cautious while managing security controls during transitions.

By Service Model

Aside from deployment models, cloud security controls also depend on the service model of the infrastructure. Popular service models include:
  • Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS): Vendors take the responsibility for securing physical data centers and the hardware that supports the infrastructure. Customers are responsible for protecting sensitive data, applications, and operating systems running on the vendors’ hardware..
  • Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS): A step up from IaaS, vendors provide both physical hardware and the operating system software to host customer applications. Vendors take responsibility for securing the hardware and the OS. Customers must secure their data and their applications.
  • Software-as-a-Service (SaaS): A level above PaaS, vendors provide their customers with the physical infrastructure, the operating system, and the applications, which typically include both software apps and the database that stores the customers’ data. Vendors secure the entire scope of their offering. The only element they don’t own is the customers’ data. The vendors protect the data housed in their systems, but they do not control how the customers use their data.

Benefits of Cloud Security Controls

Your enterprise can reap the benefits of cloud technology if you implement proper security controls on your cloud infrastructure. Following are some advantages of having a properly secured environment:
  • Evaluation and configuration in a cloud environment becomes easy.
  • The security of the entire cloud supply chain is ensured.
  • Your company has confident compliance and data privacy practices.
  • The shared security responsibility between vendors and cloud customers is clear.
  • You have a proper channel to continuously analyze and improve cloud security.

Cloud Email Security

Email is a critical IT system for virtually every business in the world. Verizon’s 2021 Data Breach Investigations Report reveals that over one-third of data breaches are caused by phishing attacks. Email service is among the favorite targets of phishers. The email service of your business must incorporate comprehensive security measures to fight against modern-day phishing attacks. As email systems follow the trend of moving to the cloud, cloud-based security must be built into the cloud email model. Traditional security solutions for on-premise email systems are inadequate for the brave new world of cloud email. Whether you run your email system in a public, private, or hybrid clouds model, and whether you employ IaaS, PaaS, or SaaS for your email solution, you must have a cloud email security solution to protect your data, your employees, and your company.

Bottom Line

Cloud computing is in high demand in the IT sector. The pandemic certainly contributed to this surge, but cloud computing benefits were already evident. Companies should not overlook the importance of security controls while transitioning towards cloud infrastructure. Good cloud infrastructure can only survive with good security measures. Trustifi is a simple cloud-based email security solution that protects your email system from a wide range of security threats and cyberattacks. Trustifi’s multi-layered email protection services comply with CSA’s CCM guidelines to ensure the most reliable data protection, threat detection, and correction possible. Contact a Trustifi representative today for a free evaluation of your email system and a quote for protecting your essential systems from email attacks.
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