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New Release: Email Security Awareness Training- Empower your team to proactively combat email threats with easy-to-launch phishing simulations and assessments

Trustifi Customer Case Study: Manufacturing Sciences Corporation

Discover how Manufacturing Sciences Corporation addressed cybersecurity challenges with Trustifi. Simplifying management, ensuring compliance, and bolstering security, Trustifi exceeded MSC's expectations. From outbound encryption to inbound phishing protection, Trustifi delivers comprehensive, user-friendly solutions. Read the full case study for insights into their transformation.

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Oak Ridge, TN

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We were founded in 1982 and began operations in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in 1985. Our facility was initially constructed to cast and roll depleted uranium for defense and energy applications. In 1999, we focused on developing toll rolling and manufacturing services for the specialty metals industry.

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Product & Service Offerings:

Since 1985, MSC has converted approximately 6 million pounds of depleted uranium (DU) into more than 70,000 valuable products, including components for scientific instruments, containers for fuel re-processing, and the most significant components ever cast and machined for a spent fuel shipping cask. At MSC’s plant in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, innovative applications of proven technologies and methods are combined in the specialty metal processing and manufacturing of materials.

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Cybersecurity compliance is a priority for MSC, and it is one of the areas that Trustifi helps us with the most. My favorite Trustifi feature is that it is easy to use. Despite the people in our Company having a wide range of skill levels, no one has returned and said they found it difficult to use. Installing Trustifi and going live was very straightforward. I did not run into any issues

Rodney Messer

Head of IT Manufacturing Sciences Corporation


Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC) is a leader in specialized metal fabrication, providing products and services to a wide range of government and commercial customers throughout the world in sectors such as nuclear energy, defense, medical devices, materials research, and a wide range of industrial and medical applications. It is the only commercial facility in North America capable of casting, plate rolling, machining and fabricating depleted uranium (DU) and natural uranium (NU) on-site. MSC also processes nonradioactive specialty metals for aerospace, wireless telecommunications, metal manufacturing, materials research, and nuclear applications.

“With an international customer base of private companies and governmental organizations, we are potentially a target for malicious entities. Since we work with both nuclear and non-nuclear materials, we have extra sensitivity in this area.”

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Ellen Donnelly

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

The Challenge

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Ellen Donnelly, co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC), has been a CEO and CFO for several companies and business sectors.

As part of the leadership team at MSC, she notes.

“Some of our contracts have specific cybersecurity and security requirements. We work internationally with private industries and governments and have cyber security requirements on various levels.”

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Ellen Donnelly

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Ellen Donnelly, co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC), has been a CEO and CFO for several companies and business sectors.

As part of the leadership team at MSC, she notes.

MSC business and cybersecurity requirements include,

  • General Business Requirements: Protection of employee and customer information and business transactions and correspondence.
  • Specialty Metal Cybersecurity: MSC must protect proprietary information about the materials and processes they use, as well as all products that leave their property.
  • Regulatory and Compliance Certifications: The nature of MSC business requires they adhere to numerous regulatory and compliance certifications relating to their licensing, processing capabilities, and safety.

Rodney Messer, Head of IT at MSC, commented,

“Malicious actors are always finding new cutting-edge methods for getting around any type of protection you put in place. We were always focused on figuring out the best way to protect, update, and stay ahead of the attackers. I set up and implemented MSC’s network from the ground up, and it is essential that I make sure that everything coming in and going out is secure.”

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Rodney Messer

Head of IT at MSC

Trustifi Exceeding MSCs Expectations!

Manufacturing Sciences Corporation (a GMiS Company) adopts Trustifi’s secure email solution to ensure the email security necessary for their industry, to open the door to a cybersecurity certification, and to provide a comprehensive, functionally rich, simple, and secure email solution for their users.

Ellen Donnelly noted,

“When looking at the compliance requirements, it made sense to begin to look for something else and we know Trustifi’s reputation. It was a logical place to start.“

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Ellen Donnelly

Vice President of Information Technology at Roche Bros. Supermarkets

How Trustifi Benefits MSC?

Compliance, affordability, ease of use, security, and consolidation into one management console were success factors Trustifi met and exceeded beyond MSC’s expectations.

“Cybersecurity compliance is one of our biggest concerns and it is one of the areas that Trustifi helps us with the most. Previously, we were using the basic features of Microsoft’s E3 email security, but our customers were asking whether we were implementing an encryption system.”

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Rodney Messer

Vice President of Information Technology at Roche Bros. Supermarkets

Outbound Email Encryption Made Easy

Trustifi uses automated data loss prevention (DLP) encryption and contextual frameworks to automatically recognize outbound emails containing sensitive information. Trustifi then automatically encrypts them to ensure that confidential data is protected from hackers' prying eyes.

Rodney Messer says,

“We installed Trustifi on outgoing emails and have been doing various tests. We found that it does exactly what it is supposed to do. For example, in one email, Trustifi caught a Social Security number, assigned it a sensitivity scale of five, and automatically encrypted the email. It then notified us so that we could put a stop to this kind of thing going to customers.”

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Rodney Messer

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Trustifi’s Inbound Shield For Email Phishing Protection.

Trustifi’s Inbound Shield protects users’ inboxes from malicious links, files, BEC attacks, and spam by using dedicated AI that implements a series of dynamic and comprehensive engines.

“By implementing the Inbound Shield, it blocks communications coming in that you do not want your employees to receive or click on. It is important to identify all the things that Trustifi catches in incoming emails and monitor such potential attacks by using their dashboard and reports.”

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Rodney Messer

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Trustifi is Extremely Simple to Use and Very Easy to Set up

Trustifi makes it easy for your IT security staff to get the security they need, including alerts, traceability, monitoring, and awareness while being straightforward, transparent, and simple enough for end users to apply all this security at the click of a button. Trustifi is Click-of-a-Button Easy – End-to-end secure emails are sent and tracked with a button and quickly opened, read, and returned.

“We find that with Trustifi, it is easy for our team to receive and decrypt emails, and it takes only seconds to learn how to send an encrypted email. Trustifi’s encryption does not have to be used all the time, so it is not cumbersome for regular communication. Using Trustifi is like having a wise and ever-vigilant assistant monitoring and guiding all your communications.”

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Ellen Donnelly

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Trustifi Simplifying The Management and Security Operations for Email Security

“Another nice thing is that you can log into the Trustifi admin dashboard and see all the emails sent. For example, to know whether each email was delivered, whether it was read, and the sensitivity scale of the information that it contains. It is interesting to see the sensitivity scale of various types of emails. Not everyone is aware of the sensitivity of the information that they type into an email. On Trustifi’s dashboard, it is easy to manage.”

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Rodney Messer

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Trustifi is Easily Deployed with No Architecture Changes

“Installing Trustifi and going live was very straightforward. I did not run into any issues. The only thing I had to handle was to adjust the rules to customize them to our needs, but that was simple to do. Again, it is very straightforward.”

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Rodney Messer

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)


“We found Trustifi to be highly affordable, especially for the level of capabilities it offers”

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Rodney Messer

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

MSC is getting More Value from Trustifi Without Additional Costs

  • Multi-factor Authentication. Trustifi provides multi-factor authentication that identifies the receiver of the email to ensure that your confidential and sensitive information is kept safe from hackers.
  • Know What’s Happening with Each Email. Trustifi enables you to postmark proof, track and see when and where emails are opened. It provides visibility and allows rapid response to all email-based threats and attacks. Trustifi uses machine learning technology to create baseline profiles of all users to detect anomalies in user access behavior. Trustifi gives administrators real-time notifications upon account compromise.
  • No Special Password. With Trustifi, email users do not have to deal with a separate login. There is no need to enter a complex password to access an encryption service. With Trustifi, you simply open your email application and press a button to encrypt/decrypt email sending/receiving.
  • Adding Other Recipients to an Encrypted Email Thread. With Trustifi, even when you correspond with multiple recipients, you can add another recipient to an email trail who becomes part of the encrypted secure correspondence. There is no need to start a new email thread. Trustifi automatically handles all this for you.
  • Recalling/Changing Emails. After They Have Been Sent When you want to recall an email, the traditional method is sending another email saying, “Please don’t read this email.” With Trustifi, you can replace the email and/or its attachment, track it, and do all this without involving the recipient.

Customer Quote

“Trustifi serves as a Company asset and differentiator that we present as one of the components that enable us to obtain certification. We found that with Trustifi, it was easy for the MSC team to receive emails and encrypt outgoing communications. Training staff to send and receive encrypted email was intuitive and simple; it took only seconds to understand how to send it.”

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Ellen Donnelly

co-CEO of Manufacturing Science Corporation (MSC)

Schedule a One-on-One Demo Today

Whether looking for an extra layer of protection in your existing email security environment or a full-suite solution with managed services, the expertise and simplicity Trustifi offers will exceed your expectations. Let’s discuss pricing and a customized email security plan for you.

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